Tuesday, December 15, 2015

First Step

I am a clinically defined morbidly obese woman. I have been a majority of my life. I struggled with my weight as a child and it only progressed the older I became. I have done the yoyo diets, gone up and down with my weight. The most I have ever weighed was 320 lbs. That is insane! I swore I would never get past a certain point and I did and went way over it. I know that everyone has their "demands" and food is mine. I get bored I eat, I get upset I eat, I am a classic emotional eater. I eat my feelings. The scale is proof of that. Well in less than three days I will be 34 years old. I guess I had the all powerful ah ha moment and something flipped inside me. I don't want to be this big anymore. I don't want to hate shopping, hurt from caring all the weight around. My hips, back and knees hurt from all the excess weight. I absolutely hate seeing pictures of me. I have been called names even into adulthood. One that hit me the hardest was being called a beanbag. I look like a beanbag. Well I am here to tell you I will not look like one any longer. I am going to make a healthier me. For me and my children. I do not want them to follow in my foot steps. So I am going to blog my journey. With failures and my triumphs. You may think this is a stupid blog but, it will be the honest truth about my journey. It is hard being a morbidly obese person and I hope to inspire other morbidly obese people to change their lives as well. It is easy to read all the get quick fix ads and think well they took this magic pill so can I. No! That is not how it works. It didn't go on over night why would you think it's going to come off over night?! That is exactly what I tell myself all the time. My wonderful mother how has complete faith in my abilities helps me as well. You can do it, it didn't go on overnight it's not going to come off over night. Patience, I know. But as you will see this is not something I am good at. It will be a learning experience for us all!
So this is what I am doing now. I was given a Garmin Vivo smart as a gift. I wear it everyday and love when I beat my steps goal. Today my goal was 7,150 and I did 7,214. Didn't go over by much but hey I mad my goal. I also use the MyFitness Pal app. It syncs with my Garmin and tracks as well. It is an excellent calorie counter! I love the barcode scanning part. I have also joined a gym. I know the big scary gym! I found one that is open 24/7 and isn't very busy. I love it! I go in and there aren't very many people there at all. Helps that I don't go at what I consider a peak time! I have started walking on the treadmill. When I first started it took me almost 22 minutes to walk a mile. And it wasn't set very fast. 1.5 mph, I know that doesn't seem fast but when you have had no exercise at all I was winded!  Just make it a mile I told myself you can walk a mile. And I did! The next night I beat my original time! It just kept getting better. I finished my first week doing a mile at 3.5 miles an hour in 18:45! Not bad for a fat girl I told myself! My goal is to do 2 miles in 21:00. Crazy I know. But that is the military PT minimum for my age group. I figure it I can do that I'm pretty awesome! So my goal is set. Also I want to run a 5K in the spring!
Tonight at the gym I did something different, I rode the bike. I hate the bike, It makes me all floppy and extremely uncomfortable. But that is what this is about getting out of that comfort zone right! So I did, I walked pasted it thought well maybe next time, there is the treadmill you like just go there. Then I thought no, Kricket get you butt over there. I did and let me tell you I rode THREE miles is 13:45! I was shocked! Wholly cow, you did great! My legs felt like jelly! I raged from 13-15 mph. And at one point thought I was going to throw up, but I pushed on. I hit two miles and thought lets see if I can do three, and I did! Yay me, We are the champions started playing in my head! I walked out of that gym like I just won a huge award. But if you think about it I did! Tonight was a win!